Thursday, September 29, 2005

Beginnings (and endings)

Ok, well things are starting to calm down a bit. I felt like the last couple of weeks were just a whirlwind. Tomorrow is my last day in my department. What a strange feeling. I thought I had found my dream job, but it is not. I am very excited to begin the new chapter in my life in my new job. However, it is always bittersweet to leave something behind. While I look forward to the opportunities my new position gives me, my current job is fun and for the most part, my co-workers are like an extended family. Yes, they get on my nerves, but whose family doesn't?
The flip side is...I can still remain involved in the arts in Cleveland, especially now that I live closer. I just need to find some spare time.

This weekend is going to be great. I will get to catch up with some old friends on Saturday which I am very much looking forward to. Tom is taking the LSAT, so I get some "me time" on Saturday morning. I plan on watching White Oleander and then maybe doing some studying.

"The great majority of men are bundles of beginnings."— Ralph Waldo Emerson (1802-1882) Journals


Mr. Bebout said...

Congrats on the new position! Are you still in the same building/campus?

HCG said...

I love you, Christie!

Christie said...

Same campus different building.

Thanks, Hil, I love you too! I will call you, things have just been really busy. I am not far from you at all. We will have to get together.