Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Much to Report

Well, it has taken me awhile to get this updated because so much is going on.

1. Tom and I get the keys to our new apartment tonight. We will be back in Cleveland! We will no longer have to drive all over creation to get anywhere, whether it be school, work, friends etc. I don't know how we will handle all the free time. So, for you Clevelanders out there...we will be moving this weekend if anyone feels like carrying boxes and furniture up four flights of stairs. Come on, it will be awesome! Just kidding. I know everyone has had their turn helping us move, and some have even said that they refuse to help again. Totally understandable given the amount of times we have moved!

2. I am going to be changing jobs. I got a position in another department and will be moving over there in a couple of weeks. I had an interview at another place last week. When I left the interview, I had a gut feeling that it would be a bad move if I went there. I can't put my finger on exactly what the problem was, but it was something. The group I am going to here, though, is fabulous and I am extremely excited about joining their team!

3. LEIMUN is slowing down. I should be super busy, but with everything else going on, I had to take a step back. Everyone seems to be picking up and stepping up! That makes me breathe a little easier.

4. School. 12-1/2 hours every other Saturday.....enough said!

Anyway...that's what is happening in my world. So, I have had little time to do anything, including updating my blog.


Kristen said...

I'm sorry about the orchestra thingy but I'm glad you still get a change of scenery.

Stacy Cane said...

Plus the change of scenery to the west side... soon you will have to meet us for pho.

Christie said...

I can't wait to join civilization again. Ashtabula is a desolate, sad place. :)

HCG said...

Christie! We totally need to talk!

You're probably so close it's not even funny...

Anywho, hope all is well. I would help ya out this weekend. But my friend is getting married!

Miss you!

Soul Trying Times said...

I feel you on the school thing. Best of luck!
Congrats on the job. Knock 'em dead.

Professor Bacher said... took a step back from LEIMUN...that means that I have had to take a step up - damn you! damn you all!

Hope all is well.

Professor Bacher said...
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Stacy Cane said...

how was the big move to west side?

Mr. Bebout said...

Ashtabula is a lovely place if you don't have to go anywhere outside of Ashtabula on a regular basis. But the west side? Where are you on the west side?