Monday, February 26, 2007

Well, The Due Date Has Passed

It is now Monday - still no baby. The doctor said on Friday "On a scale of 1-10 of being ready, you are at about a 3." Yeah, I was only 1-2 cm dialated. She basically is not coming out. So, we are going on Thursday night to get induced. I will start medication on Thursday night that thins the cervix and start petocin on Friday morning. With any luck, she will be born on Friday. I'm hoping it doesn't last into Saturday. I am maintaining a good attitude, and am actually a bit relieved that it is playing out this way. I am a planner. I like to know when things are happening, and now I can prepare and plan for this too. We are going to spend this week cleaning and doing laundry - generally just getting ready. Then, I may even go for a pedicure and give myself a manicure. I think I may prefer it this way. So, unless by some miracle she decides to come earlier....Thursday/Friday is the time.

On another note, I watched the Oscars and they were pretty good. I only stayed awake until 10:30, which means I missed the best parts. I was so happy Allen Arkin won for best supporting actor because Little Miss Sunshine was my favorite movie this year. Although, it was the only movie I saw that was up for any awards. I guess my opinion doesn't count for much. I had also grown tired of the "green" message, so I was happy to crawl into bed and miss the end. I got to find out who won on the news this morning. Don't get me wrong...I like the earth, I just don't agree with Hollywood always having to promote their "messages". Entertain me. I could write an entire post that would probably real fire people up, but I'm not in the mood for an argument. I just don't think Hollywood people's opinion should be thrown in my face while I'm trying to be entertained. I'm not saying that to make anyone mad. Just how I feel. :)

Have a lovely Monday!


Gina Ventre said...

Happy Almost Due Date!

I watched up until 10:30 too.

Kristen said...

Although I disagree about actors and such not talking about personal beliefs and issues, I totally agree that there was a bit too much green talk last night. Mainly with everyone thanking Al Gore in their speeches. He looks a bit like a cartoon. Ray said he wished he would run but I hope he just keeps working on what he's doing. As annoying as the constant messages can get, I do believe we should work harder to save the environment. Plus he keeps Leo out of hair.

Kristen said...

I meant out of our hair. I don't know how Gore could keep Leo out of hair itself. That would be quite a trick really.

MrsTito said...

Best of luck! My induction lasted 18 hours, but my best friends was only 5, so who knows?

Gina Ventre said...

Happy Closer to Due Date!