Friday, November 04, 2005

That's Why They Make Menus?

Ok, I don't think I'm going to post about my mundane life anymore - because it is just that: mundane. And boring.

So, I am going to comment on The Apprentice last night. Donald Trump is a wack job. His antics in the Board Room last night were hilarious. He comments that he is amazed that Clay is gay and he is the last to know. He then proceeds to ask Clay just to make sure he is gay if he is attracted to Alla or the other girl on the team. Clay, of course, says no. Then The Donald says, "Well, that's why they make menus in restaraunts. Some people like steak and some people like spaghetti." Ok, that was the first set of antics that made me almost fall off the chair laughing. Second, The Donald point blank asks Adam if he is a virgin. Talk about an awkward moment. Adam, of course did not feel comfortable answering - obviously because he is, and that's ok. Donald then proceeds to tell him that sex is good and in 10 years he will be way more comfortable with it. The best part, however, is when Donald Trump goes onto explain how sex has gotten him into a lot of trouble and cost him a lot of money. It was absolutely hysterical! It almost made you forget he was an uptight millionaire businessman.

By the way, Clay did not say that Adam was a "tight ass Jew" He said he was a tight Jew, which, for the record, I think he meant "uptight". What astonished me was that Adam was offended when he had exploited the fact that he was a sweet innocent Jew from the beginning of the talk. And, did anyone else catch Clay's comment when they got in the elevator, "Don't even speak to me." Then, he pushed the door to the loft open in a very angry manner. Come on, Clay - did you really think that the team wasn't going to turn on you?

Finally, does Markus remind anyone else of Mr. Buckey? I'm kind of sad he is gone. Just as I would be sad to not hear stories from Mr. Buckey about alien cats and the people that live on the other side of the moon. My favorite part of the show was when Markus was playing with toys in front of the class while they were teaching. Way to go, Markus.

I don't have anything too fun to say about the Martha Apprentice except that I would give an ovary to share a muffin with her at her home in Bedford!


Kristen said...

I felt bad that no one commented on this post. I myself thought it was dead on hilarious. Unfortunately other than that, I didn't have much to add. You summed it up, although I think Donald would have liked to fire Clay too but after his deciamtion alst week, he couldn't afford to lose another episode.

Stacy Cane said...

I don't watch the shows. Christie may write her life is mundane, but I am more interested in what she does than whatever Mr. Trump does.

Mr. Bebout said...

Saturday on SNL they did the commercials and there was on fro Donal Trumps House of Wings. It was alright. (chirp chirp) I like wings too. (chirp chirp) Trump wre a yellow suit. I like yellow.

Christie said...

Are you saying that I am boring Mr. Bebout?

Soul Trying Times said...

this was by far the funniest and most cringe-worthy episode of The Apprentice so far. BTW, I don't think you are boring, homeslice.

Christie said...

Thanks, Jay. I feel as though I am sub-par to some of our more witty writer friends. I am a bit self-conscious.

Kristen said...

I think you're sub-par too.

Mr. Bebout said...

I was saying that I was being a bore. I just wanted to post a comment as you don't blog with any regularity and I wanted to be involved. I crave attention. I am a sad sad man. Woe to me.